Illinoise Opening Night Benefit Celebration
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Opening Performance 7:00PM | Dinner to follow
Join us to celebrate the next not-to-be-missed production in a long line of thrilling theatrical events in the Wade Thompson Drill Hall.
$7,500 Co-Chair ($6,750 is tax-deductible)
Two (2) tickets to the Opening Night Benefit: including house seats to the performance, a seated dinner, and invitations to join the entire cast for a dessert reception following dinner. Co-Chairs will be listed on event materials and will be invited to observe an in-person rehearsal (scheduling and capacity restrictions apply).
$2,500 Principal Supporter Ticket ($2,125 per ticket is tax-deductible)
One (1) ticket to the Opening Night Benefit: including a house seat to the performance, a seated dinner, and an invitation to join the entire cast for a dessert reception following dinner.
$1,500 Supporter Ticket ($1,200 per ticket is tax-deductible)
One (1) ticket to the Opening Night Benefit: including a house seat to the performance followed by a seated dinner.
Contribution Only (Fully tax-deductible)